Posts in SPORT
The Burn

I recently penned a short entry on an Instagram post outlining how I am trying to better implement active changes to my lifestyle where there is more time for downtime. Quite simply, more time to sit around, smell the frigging roses and remember to not be all-guns blazing 24/7, because shucks, I'm only human, and all humans get TIRED.

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The first Shred Ready Surf Fitness session blasted off last month in the heart of East London, Brick Lane, and I am super excited to announce the next date! Whether you're a seasoned or novice surfer who spends plenty or not quite enough time in the water (like some of us land-locked surfers!), Shred Ready: Surf Fitness is a bespoke workout that will improve your stamina and conditioning with highly targeted movements that work to boost your performance and ultimately enjoyment in the water.

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The soundtrack to the Shred Ready: Surf Fitness class, the ultimate summer surf playlist

This week the all-new season of Shred Ready: Surf Fitness launched in the heart of East London, Brick Lane.  A surf-hungry crew of attendees were put through their paces, focussing on the key dynamics of the class. Working through targeted movements to boost fitness and conditioning, to paddle stronger and gain better mobility and balance, we broke down everything from the pop-up to the cutback, working on training our bodies to better execute these moves.

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Free #ShredReadySnow fitness workout live on Cooler & Mpora!

Just before I upped sticks and left the Big Smoker that is London for my travels, I spent the day with the awesome teams at Cooler Magazine and Mpora, filming a free session of my Shred Ready Snow workout.  If you didn't have the chance to come to one of my snow-specific pop-up fitness classes I held in the autumn of last year, here is a FREE half-an hour instructional video class, tailored specifically to get you fit for any forthcoming ski or snowboard trips you have booked this year. 

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