My collaboration with KEEN for the launch of their women's-specific all-terrain shoe, the Terradora, saw me create 3 separate training programmes to demonstrate the versatility of the shoe.  This was a super fun project, as I love to show that you don't always need access to a gym, you can make any space a place to have fun and train.  

So here you go, 3 different workouts, CITY, PARK, OUTDOOR, for you to use and stoke yourselves out with!



Duration: 60 minutes

  • Light Jog: 500 metres

  • Bound for 50 meters, running with the longest strides you can take, like a triple jumper’s first two steps.

  • Run with “high” knees for 50 meters, lifting legs as high as you can.

  • Skip for 50 meters, trying to get as high off the ground as possible.

  • Sprint for 100 meters, keeping your body relaxed.

  • Regressed press up 3 sets of 8- 12 reps This is press up with hands on raised surface: you can use a bench, wall, higher surface ground. Elevating you hands is less mechanical work, but you’re keeping the same biomeachincs of the press-up movement, whereas if you drop the knees as an easier modification, you don’t require as much core stability. Start in a normal push up position, with your hands on a raised surface. Lower down and press up.

  • Bear crawlingforward and back. 5 sets
    Come down on all fours, trying to keep your hands underneath the shoulders and knees underneath hip. Raise the knees up, and start to crawl, using hands and feet to travel. Bear crawl forward for 20 metres and without resting, then bear crawl backward 20 metres.

  • Dead bugs3 sets of 8-12 repetitions
    Lay flat on your back with your hands extended above you toward the ceiling. Bend your knees in 90 degree angle and raise your thighs until they are perpendicular to the floor. Now deeply exhale and embrace your abs to bring your rib cage down and flatten you back onto the floor. Slowly lower the right arm and the left leg down to the floor simultaneously while exhaling, then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Alternate sides and continue the movement for three sets.

  • Bird Dog 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Start on your hands and knees, with a neutral spine. Extend a leg and learn how to feel your glutes moving your leg rather than your lower back. Once you can do leg, the extend the opposing arm at the same time.

  • Backward Walking Lunge 3 sets 8-12 reps
    Stand straight and step the right foot back, keeping the weight on the front foot, with both knees drop to 90 degrees. Step back to meet the left foot, and repeat on the other side.

  • Long/Broad Jumps 3 sets of 12-15
    Get into a squat position with the feet shoulder-width apart on a soft surface. Squat down deep and explode up, using your entire body to thrust yourself forward. Land softly on the ground and immediately move onto the next jump.

  • Sprint up hill to end


Duration: 45 minutes

Take one minute rest between sets in set exercises. Depending on fitness level or to increase difficulty, decrease rest time to challenge yourself, down from 60 seconds, to 45, to 30

  • Walking lunges

  • Forward/backward leg swings

  • Side-to-side leg swings

  • Jogging in place with butt kicks

  • Toe taps on walls

  • HIGH knee skips

  • Split squats 3 sets of 8-12 per leg
    Position yourself into a staggered stance with the rear foot raised on surface and front foot forward. Bend the front knee and hip to lower your body down. Keep the front knee in line with the foot as you perform the exercise. At the bottom of the movement, drive through the heel to extend the knee and hip to return to the starting position.

  • Regressed press up 3 sets 6-8 reps
    This is a press up with hands on raised surface: you can use a bench, wall, higher surface ground. Start in a normal press up position, with your hands on a raised surface. Lower down and press up. For a harder alternative place your feet on a higher surface.

  • Stair Jumps 3 sets 5-8 reps
    Find a height and distance that is optimal for you and jump forward to your desired step, landing in a squat. Jump back down and repeat. This is great for high reps and cardio. If you want to mix it up, use your momentum and consecutively leapfrog to higher steps until you reach the top of the staircase. This will test your explosiveness, stamina, and core stability.

  • Stair Sprints 3 sets
    This will improve coordination and explosiveness. Sprint up a flight of stairs, using your arms for momentum. Jog down for active recovery.

  • Box jumping 8 reps, 3 sets
    Get in a half squat position with your arms in front of you. From this static position, jump up and onto the box. You want to jump from a still position, do not allow any counter movements. Land in the middle of the box and stand all the way up. Reset after each jump.

  • Add multiple jog and sprint sections at areas of your trail where you can run, in between the strength sets.

    Look for areas where you can add interval training sprints, sprinting for 30 seconds and recovering for 60 seconds, at least 5 times. Increase difficulty and decrease the recovery time.



Duration: 60 minutes

Warm Up

  • Double heel lifts

  • Walking lunges

  • Butt kickers

  • Leg swings

  • High Knees

Walk at a fast pace for two to three minutes, then jog for five minutes.

  • Weave in and out of trees (suicide runs): agility runs. Run for 30 seconds, rest for one minute. Repeat 5 times.

  • Suicide runs are high intensity sprint, working on endurance, agility and speed. Suicide runs can be done nearly anywhere – outdoors, in a park, gym, courts, all you need are shoes and some props to serve as markers which in this case are trees, weaving through trees.

  • Finger planks (good for climbing) 30 seconds, 3 sets. Hold a high plank (or raised pushup position) using your fingers to hold you as high as possible. This will really build finger strength and core.

  • Body rows off tree branches. 3 sets of 5-8 reps. Utilizes your own body weight without placing stress on the lower back, working the back, biceps, traps, and all the stabilizer muscles. Get creative and find a lower branch. Grab the branch with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you). Contract your abs and try to keep the body in a completely straight line. Your ears, shoulders, hips, legs and feet should all be in a straight line. Pull yourself up to the branch until your chest touches the branch. Lower yourself back down.

  • Pushups against trees (regressed push-ups) 3 sets 6-8 reps
    This is a push up with hands on raised surface. Elevating your hands is less mechanical work, but you’re keeping the same bio-mechanics of the press-up movement. Drop the knees for an easier modification, where you don’t require as much core stability.

  • Wall sits utilising large trees. 3 sets of 60 seconds (advanced, 45 seconds (intermediate), 30 seconds (beginner)
    This exercise works the quads, hip flexors, glutes and hamstrings. Stand with your lower back against a straight tree, walk your feet out at hip distance apart and lower your glutes to sit against the tree. Press the lower back into the wall by shifting weight to your heels off the toes, and relax the abs and shoulders.

  • Skater Jumps 8-12 reps 3 sets. This exercise develops lateral strength and power in the quads and glute muscles. It also places the entire load on one leg, which helps with balance and reduces the tendency to favor the stronger leg during two-legged jumps. Get into a squat position with your feet close together and the majority of your weight on your right leg. Push off your right leg to the opposite side. Land softly on your left leg and move your right leg behind it like you were performing a Curtsy Lunge. Repeat on your left leg.

  • Trek and light jog, increasing speed to add HIIT. Look for paths with inclines to accelerate up, increasing difficulty through speed control or elevation. Sprinting for 30 seconds and recovering for 60 seconds, at least 5 times. Further increase difficulty by decreasing the recovery time.